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Since 1981, The Suzuki-Orff School of Music has provided quality music education to thousands of Chicago children with a strong focus on those who face significant environmental, economic, and cultural challenges. Suzuki-Orff's one-of-a-kind sequential music program provides a fusion of knowledge, skill, and artistic sensitivity, combining both Suzuki and Orff methodologies. We begin with our early childhood program, BabySTEPS, teaching children from 6 months to 41/2years old a foundation of music skills as a prelude to Orff and instrument instruction. Children learn beat, rhythm, and pitch while singing and playing rhythm instruments, preparing them for instrument study.When ready, instrument instruction is introduced.We teach violin, viola, cello, guitar, piano, flute and voice instruction. Expanded note reading, theory and music history is taught in Musicianship classes.
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Focus Area: Arts and Culture, Education
Budget: $500k - $1 million
Most Recent:
Total IIC Funding: