Investing In Communities® is a nonprofit real estate referral service that turns home sales and purchases (and commercial leases) into free funding for Charity.  

  1. Contact IIC before choosing a broker.
  2. We’ll find up to three brokers suited for your transaction or we’ll make arrangements with one you have in mind.
  3. Then we give 70+% of the referral fee to a charity of your choice.

For example, a $300,000 home sale or purchase could generate $1,300 for your charity—at no cost to you.

Virtually any broker in the country would like to receive an IIC referral.

We provide three objectively qualified broker choices, or we can make arrangements with a broker you have in mind.

Our vision is to make every brokered real estate transaction a deal that makes a difference.

Your decision to share this with others or to use Investing In Communities to find a broker can make a real difference for the organizations and causes you care about. Learn how you and your friends can generate free funding for charity.