To be considered for the Investing In Communities platform, an organization must be a registered 501(c)3 in good standing and must complete the application below. IIC reserves the right to reject any application.

If you are an existing charity member, you can log in here to edit your profile.


  • Charity Information (Public Display)

    please remember to add your EIN or your charity will not be added to the list
  • Accepted file types: jpg, png, Max. file size: 6 MB.
  • Unpublished Information (The following information will be kept secure and confidential)

    Charity Contact

    Please enter the contact information for the individual who will be working directly with IIC
  • Alternate Contact Information

  • Terms and Conditions

    To receive funding, IIC Nonprofit Members agree to:

    • Advise IIC of any change in nonprofit status
    • Place the IIC logo and link on their websites
    • Allow IIC to publish certain information at the IIC website
    • Keep contact information provided to IIC current
    • Application is also “opting in” to receive occasional updates and announcements from IIC.
    • IIC does not share information with third parties


That’s what we call a Charity that meets our guidelines and, as such, is  able to receive Charity Support Payments from us. Generally, we will approve as an Eligible Charity any organization that is tax-exempt under Section 501(c) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code and whose principal purpose is to address issues of health, education, employment, poverty, safety, shelter, arts, science, animal welfare and/or general welfare on a non-discriminatory basis, and no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder or individual.  We will generally not approve as an Eligible Charity any organization significantly engaged in, or attempting to influence, political, legislative, or religious activities (though we may approve organizations with a religious affiliation that provide services described above to members of the community at large without regard to their religious affiliation).


We currently pay as an Introduction Fee five percent (5%) of the Referral Fee that we receive on a transaction.  We pay this Introduction Fee from the portion of the Referral Fee that we retain after paying out the Charity Support Payment.

Barring unusual circumstances, we anticipate distributing the Charity Support Payment on a transaction promptly after we receive our Referral Fee on that transaction.

Charities receive unrestricted funding and internet exposure from IIC – at no cost. When you use IIC to engage your Representing Broker, you have the right to choose a charity (your Favorite Charity) to receive a Charity Support Payment equal to 70+% of the referral fee that broker’s sponsoring broker will pay to IIC when your transaction closes.  

Yes. IIC is licensed in Illinois as a real estate broker. This allows sponsoring brokers in any state to pay us a Referral Fee in full compliance with their state’s licensing regulations. But IIC has not in the past, and has no plans in the future, to act as the licensed real estate fiduciary (Representing Broker) of any party in any real estate transaction.


We exist to help you make the world a little better, in a way that costs you nothing to make that good happen.

IIC provides a program, via a web based platform, (the “IIC Program”) for individuals and companies that are socially-minded to leverage the power of their real estate transactions to support a charity of their choice (an Eligible Charity) at no expense to themselves. In this way IIC provides Eligible Charities with a new fundraising resource – all at no cost to charities and their supporters!

IIC serves as a middleman between consumers and brokers, thereby making it possible for virtually any brokered real estate transaction to fund a charity of the consumer’s choosing, at no cost to that consumer. That’s because the philanthropy occurs when IIC gives most of its referral fee to a charity of the consumer’s choice. IIC does this by finding appropriate brokers for each consumer’s upcoming transaction and/or referring consumers to a broker they may already be considering. In either case, IIC is then paid a referral fee by the broker that the consumer chooses, 70% of which is given by IIC to that consumer’s Favorite Charity.

This is a question that you should ask your accountant. We have been advised that IIC funding is the same as a charitable contribution. Even if you do need to pay UBIT, your organization would likely still net over $1,000 from the $1,300 IIC distribution that would typically result from the sale of a $300,000 home.

We’ve set up a tracking system that enables Charity ABC to get 5% of the referral fee when a supporter of ABC chooses XYZ to get 70% of the referral fee. For a $300,000 home sale, Charity ABC would get $93. We call this an Introduction Fee.

Charities with loyal supporters are in a great position. Charities with large numbers of supporters can also do well, even if some of their supporters choose a different charity. (Please see preceding FAQ.)

If your organization has a “give or get” policy for board members, you could offer to count IIC transactions that either they (or people they’ve referred!) use IIC to find a broker and pick your organization. Our broker referral request form asks how you heard about IIC and there’s a place for name and email address so we can credit people with resulting transactions. Pretty nifty!

It only takes a 3-5 minutes to complete your IIC application. It can take up to 5 days for us to approve your application, but typically it’s only 1 or 2.

IIC subtracts $50 from the first check you receive each each year, to help offset our administrative costs. If you don’t get a check, there is no fee. And after your first check each year, there are no fees.

Perhaps, your organization has all the funding it needs to meet its mission? Honestly, the only reason we can think of is that you’re too busy writing grant applications or planning annual campaigns. Signing up is easier than any grant application and having just one supporter a year use IIC to buy or sell a $300,000 home would net your organization $1,320. And, you won’t have to write a grant report!