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Help Centro San Bonafacio with Your Next Home Sale, Purchase or Commercial Lease

Centro San Bonifacio has provided public assistance to Latino families in Chicago’s North and Northwest neighborhoods for decades. As a member of Investing in Communities®, Centro San Bonifacio can receive funding from the real estate transactions of its supporters, at no cost to the supporter or to Centro San Bonifacio. The more supporters use this free platform before engaging a real estate agent, the more resources Centro San Bonifacio has for its mission.

About the organization

Staffed by a group of volunteers and a new board, Centro San Bonifacio has provided health benefits to local residents for years. What began as a small group of like-minded individuals meeting on the porch of a board member’s apartment has grown to become a self-sustaining organization. The organization’s goal and mission has been to achieve community growth and development through one-on-one interactions. 


Centro San Bonifacio was established in 1991 by a group of Latino families from the San Boniface Parish. These families came together after the closing of the parish. Their purpose has been to promote self-empowerment and self-development projects in the local neighborhoods. In addition, the central objective of CSB is to train and mobilize health promoters in specific Hispanic communities. The history of the organization and its ties to the parish are central to their successes in Chicago activism.

Community Promoters

The use of Community Promoters is the backbone of the organization’s strength and success. The program, which is internationally recognized, has been adapted to the needs of low-income and immigrant families. The grassroots structure and person-to-person growth have combined to create a thriving success. Examples of training areas include the subjects of Heart Health, Nutrition, and Exercise. In addition, education about diseases such as cancer, sexually transmitted disease prevention, Alzheimer’s, and pre/post-natal health have increased. Also, doula training and service, car safety-seat education and distribution, and domestic violence education have been integral to the success of the communities. Community leaders have demonstrated a great value to the organization and to the local areas served by CSB. 

Public Events

CSB also partners with local businesses. Activities such as Mary Kay Mother’s Day  and art appreciation projects have led to increased self-empowerment and self-development. In addition to these events, CSB has paired with WhyHunger in order to provide nutritious healthy food.  By partnering with community members and local businesses, CSB has fostered a collaborative engagement that has resulted in an increased partnership within the community. 

Buying or Selling a Home Can Strengthen the Latino Community on Chicago’s Northwest Side 

Now anyone who cares about providing access to low-income Latino families can turn virtually any brokered real estate transaction into free funding for Centro San Bonifacio. Generate funding for the cause by using this free platform to choose among real estate agents that are appropriate for your residential or commercial real estate needs. Or use IIC to make arrangements with an agent you already have in mind. For example, the purchase or sale of $300,000 home can result in about $1,300 of free funding, which has a direct impact on our mission. Ready to start?

Location: Chicago, Illinois

Focus Area: Community Development, Social Justice

Budget: $250k - $500k

Total IIC Funding:

Want to help this charity with your next real estate transaction?

We respect your privacy and want to make sure you are totally at ease. By submitting, you are sharing your information with us only and we will not share it with or sell it to anyone else. We will contact you by email to get more information about your real estate needs. Then we will provide you with several agents suited to your needs and you may contact them -or not- as you choose. There’s no sales pitch or pressure. It's entirely your choice.


As a tax exempt 501(c)3 organization, Centro San Bonifacio is eligible to receive at least 70% of the referral fee when you use Investing In Communities (IIC) to sign up with ANY real estate broker to handle your residential or commercial property transaction. Referral fees are a common expense paid by brokers only to other brokers for much desired referrals. As a licensed broker with a charitable mission, IIC is able to accept referral fees and pass most of those funds to your charity of choice - at no cost to you.
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