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Your Future Real Estate Transaction can The Eden Restoration Project
As a member of Investing In Communities®, The Eden Restoration Project can receive funding as a result of any brokered real estate transaction – home sales, home purchases, or commercial leases. As more supporters use this platform, before engaging a real estate agent, The Eden Restoration Project will have more resources to continue connecting lower income people to their food sources.
The Eden Restoration Project was founded on a simple principle: Grow More Food. There is a major disconnect today between people and their food sources, especially in lower income neighborhoods. Our local garden installs focus on ease of use, low maintenance, and education. Kids today can spend 16+ years in school and never put a seed in the ground. Grown adults have never pulled a potato from the ground or eaten a strawberry from the plant. Local access community gardens are the answer to these issues and is the Eden Restoration Project’s job to install, educate, and support the growing local movement.
History of Eden Restoration Project
We started with a simple idea at the end of 2018 that we needed to Grow More Food. We connected with a couple organizations that were growing food and asked how we could assist them in their mission. Then we were offered some land to grow food and it bloomed from there. We have installed over 2 dozen gardens, planted 3 dozen fruit trees, and we are working on recruiting dozens of local residents to claim their own space to grow food for their family and neighbors.
Our Eden Restoration Programs include:
- Community Garden Install and Education
- – An online farmer’s market that encourages the growing and buying of local farm goods.
- Two Feet of Fence – A school directed program that encourages food being planted around schools.
Your Purchase, Sale, or Lease Helps Support Eden Restoration Project
At no cost to themselves, anyone who cares about the Eden Restoration Project can turn virtually any brokered real estate transaction into funding for the organization. For example, the purchase or sale of a $300,000 home can result in about $1,300 of free funding. Support their mission by using IIC’s free platform to make arrangements with an agent you already have in mind. Or use IIC to find and choose among real estate agents that are appropriate for the specifics of your residential or commercial real estate needs.
Location: North Chicago, IL
Focus Area: Community Development, Education, Environment, Health and Wellness, Social Justice
Budget: Less than $250k