AT NO COST TO YOU, GET FUNDING FOR Fresh Start Business Incubator/Fresh Start of Illinois WHEN YOU:
Buy a Home / Sell a Home / Lease Commercial Property

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the value of an idea lies in the using of it

Your Future Real Estate Transaction can Support Fresh Start Business Incubator

As a member of Investing In Communities®, Fresh Start Business Incubator (FSBI) can receive funding as a result of any brokered real estate transaction – home sales, home purchases, or commercial leases. As more supporters use this platform, before engaging a real estate agent, FSBI will have more resources to support local entrepreneurs.

Background of FSBI

Fresh Start of Illinois was formed in 2009 when the mayor or Libertyville, IL reached out to a number of the community’s business leaders to request help for the many people becoming unemployed due to the recession. These leaders banded together to assist in resume writing, interview training and other services to assist their neighbors in finding jobs.  As the recession wore on, the group began to realize that a lot of the people coming to them wanted to start businesses, control their own futures and put corporate life behind them.  The group reconfigured, brought in mentors, and launched Fresh Start Business Incubator.


Support for Entrepreneurs

Some of the ways FSBI supports incubator clients:

  • Legal assistance
  • Assistance with financial and accounting management
  • Business plan
  • Networking with other entrepreneurs
  • Marketing assistance
  • Business training programs
  • Coworking and private office spaces
  • Access to industry mentors and professional advisors

FSBI process wheel

Your Purchase, Sale, or Lease Helps Local Entrepreneurs

At no cost to themselves, anyone who cares about supporting local entrepreneurs can turn virtually any brokered real estate transaction into funding for FSBI. For example, the purchase or sale of a $300,000 home can result in about $1,350 of free funding. Support FSBI by using IIC’s free platform to make arrangements with an agent you already have in mind. Or use IIC to find and choose among real estate agents that are appropriate for the specifics of your residential or commercial real estate needs.

Location: Libertyville, Illinois

Focus Area: Community Development, Education

Budget: Less than $250k

Want to help this charity with your next real estate transaction?

We respect your privacy and want to make sure you are totally at ease. By submitting, you are sharing your information with us only and we will not share it with or sell it to anyone else. We will contact you by email to get more information about your real estate needs. Then we will provide you with several agents suited to your needs and you may contact them -or not- as you choose. There’s no sales pitch or pressure. It's entirely your choice.

HOW YOUR REAL ESTATE TRANSACTION GENERATES $$$ FOR Fresh Start Business Incubator/Fresh Start of Illinois

As a tax exempt 501(c)3 organization, Fresh Start Business Incubator/Fresh Start of Illinois is eligible to receive at least 70% of the referral fee when you use Investing In Communities (IIC) to sign up with ANY real estate broker to handle your residential or commercial property transaction. Referral fees are a common expense paid by brokers only to other brokers for much desired referrals. As a licensed broker with a charitable mission, IIC is able to accept referral fees and pass most of those funds to your charity of choice - at no cost to you.
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