AT NO COST TO YOU, GET FUNDING FOR Healthcare Sustainability and Relief Effort WHEN YOU:
Buy a Home / Sell a Home / Lease Commercial Property

Your Future Real Estate Transaction Can Help Small Medical Practices Survive
As a member of Investing In Communities®, Healthcare Sustainability Relief Effort (HSRE) can receive funding as a result of any brokered real estate transaction – home sales, home purchases, or commercial leases. As more supporters use this platform, before engaging a real estate agent, HSRE will have more resources to continue providing critical support for small and vital practices.
Mission, Vision, and Accomplishments
The Healthcare Sustainability and Relief Effort is a start-up nonprofit organization founded in response to the impact of COVID-19 on the healthcare industry. The purpose of the HSRE is to provide resources in the form of healthcare business consulting services, educational material, and financial assistance to small healthcare organizations of all specialties with 30 employees or less. We are focusing first on organizations in Washington State impacted by COVID-19, so that they may reopen safely and continue to provide necessary patient care. HSRE is committed to creating personalized and actionable solutions for each business to implement with the goal of ensuring a strong foundation on which each healthcare practice or facility can regrow and sustain business.
Mission Statement: To provide financial assistance to small healthcare organizations in the United States that have been impacted by regional and national disasters including COVID-19 so that they may rebuild their businesses in a safe and sustainable manner.
Sustaining Medical Practices in Post-Disaster Crisis
The Healthcare Sustainability and Relief Effort was incorporated in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and its impact on the healthcare community. Federal- and state-level relief options available to small businesses after disasters such as COVID-19 are often limited in funding and are more focused on short-term and temporary financial relief, as opposed to long-term recovery and sustainability. HSRE aims to provide long-term support in the community for small healthcare organizations nationwide impacted not only by COVID-19, but by all regional and national disasters as they happen. The organization will do so by providing guidance by means of consulting services, educational resources, and financial assistance to ensure a strong foundation on which each healthcare organization can regrow and sustain business.
History of HSRE
HSRE was founded by Ava Navarro in response to the COVID-19 crisis (see above). It started with two people in April and has since grown to 30 volunteers including a full Board of Directors and Advisory Council. We are doing our best to speed through the start-up process so that we can begin providing assistance to the healthcare community as soon as possible. We expect to begin our first dry-run of our services in about a month.
Turnkey Consulting Services
We primarily will be providing top to bottom business consulting services including financial, infection control, operations, and staffing analysis and guidance. We will provide these services either pro-bono or with value-based pricing, depending on the need and eligibility of the practice or clinic. We also will be providing educational resources that will be free to anyone in the community. These resources will focus on where to find disaster relief grants and funding, and best practices for recovering from a regional and national disaster as a small healthcare organization. We hope that our services will help the community and prevent permanent business closures so that patients may continue to get the care that they need.
Your Purchase, Sale, or Lease Helps Support HSRE
At no cost to themselves, anyone who cares about small medical practices can turn virtually any brokered real estate transaction into funding for HSRE. For example, the purchase or sale of a $300,000 home can result in about $1,300 of free funding. Support HSRE’s mission by using IIC’s free platform to make arrangements with an agent you already have in mind. Or use IIC to find and choose among real estate agents that are appropriate for the specifics of your residential or commercial real estate needs.
Location: Bellevue, WA
Focus Area: Community Development, Health and Wellness
Budget: Less than $250k