AT NO COST TO YOU, GET FUNDING FOR Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights ICIRR WHEN YOU:
Buy a Home / Sell a Home / Lease Commercial Property

Buying, Selling, & Leasing Can Support Illinois Immigrants
The Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (ICIRR) offers the most comprehensive set of resources and programs in Illinois for immigrants and refugees pursuing the American dream. As a member of Investing In Communities®, ICIRR can receive funding as a result of any real estate transaction – home sales, home purchases, or commercial leases. Already $920 has been raised. As more supporters use this platform, before engaging a real estate agent, ICIRR will have more funds to support and embrace new Americans.
Since its formation in 1986, the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights has been on the frontline of Illinois immigration issues. There are many challenges for those who wish to make America their new home, and ICIRR is there to help, every step of the way. Their services and programs include: the Family Support Network and Hotline; the New Americans Democracy Project; the Platform for Resistance; DACA renewal assistance and advocacy; the RISE Act; and the Illinois is Ready campaign.
Family Support Network
Every year, immigrant and refugee families are torn apart and deported, so the Illinois Coalition For Immigrant and Refugee Rights set up the Family Support Network and Hotline to unify and equip immigrants and refugees with:
- Legal and Social Services;
- Ministry;
- Political Action and Law Enforcement Protection; and
- Workshops, Trainings, and Presentations that are useful to new immigrants.
New Americans Democracy Project
For democracy to work, all members of the community must have a chance to make their voice heard. The Illinois Coalition For Immigrant and Refugee Rights formed the New Americans Democracy Project to develop community leaders to advocate for immigrants. The NADP Fellows Program trains young leaders interested in:
- Serving immigrant and refugee communities;
- Leading volunteer projects;
- Registering voters; and
- Building community.
Platform for Resistance, Unity, and Respect
The Platform for Resistance, Unity, and Respect was formed to stand in solidarity with oppressed groups that may be receiving unfair treatment in Illinois, such as:
- Muslims;
- the LGBTQ community;
- immigrants and refugees;
- the elderly;
- low-income families; and
- those without health insurance.
This platform advocates for state and federal legislation that unifies, rather than tears apart, and provides safe spaces in local communities for oppressed persons.
DACA Applications
The Illinois Coalition For Immigrant and Refugee Rights provides updates on rules and deadlines for DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) applications in Illinois. And ICIRR fights to see that the state continues accepting these applications, which opens up important doors for education and employment for immigrants.
The RISE Act
In May, 2019, ICIRR and their allies won a huge victory with the passing of the RISE Act by the Illinois Senate. This bill helps ensure that everyone in Illinois, regardless of religion, gender identification, immigration status, or socioeconomic background has the opportunity to be welcomed at any university in Illinois.
Illinois is Ready
With immigration laws and policies constantly changing, the Illinois is Ready campaign provides valuable updates and education on the latest immigration information.
Your Purchase, Sale, or Lease Helps Welcome Immigrants to Illinois
Anyone who cares about Illinois immigration can turn virtually any brokered real estate transaction into funding for the Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights, for free.. Generate funding for their cause by using this free platform to choose among real estate agents that are appropriate for your residential or commercial real estate needs. Or use IIC to make arrangements with an agent you already have in mind. For example, the purchase or sale of $300,000 home can result in about $1,300 of free funding, which has a direct impact on Illinois Coalition for Immigrant and Refugee Rights’ ability to make Illinois a welcoming place for immigrants and refugees. Ready to start?
Location: Chicago, Illinois
Focus Area: Social Justice
Budget: $5 million - $10 million
Total IIC Funding: