AT NO COST TO YOU, GET FUNDING FOR League of Illinois Bicyclists (dba Ride Illinois) WHEN YOU:
Buy a Home / Sell a Home / Lease Commercial Property

Your Future Real Estate Transaction can Support Better Cycling Conditions Throughout Illinois
As a member of Investing In Communities®, Ride Illinois can receive funding as a result of any brokered real estate transaction – home sales, home purchases, or commercial leases. As more supporters use this platform, before engaging a real estate agent, Ride Illinois will have more resources to continue advocating for better cycling conditions in Illinois.
Mission, Vision, and Accomplishments
Ride Illinois has been actively promoting the many benefits of cycling since 1992. We envision a future that is safe for cyclists of all ages and abilities to bike for both transportation and recreation. A bicycle is an ideal mode of transportation for short trips, long tours, and every distance in between.
Education and Infrastructure
Education and infrastructure are key areas of focus. Both cyclists and motorists have much to learn in order to safely share the same space. Improving infrastructure for cyclists is necessary to truly make cycling a viable option for residents of communities of all sizes.
History of Ride Illinois
The League of Illinois Bicyclists (LIB) was incorporated in 1992 with a focus on statewide bike advocacy efforts. LIB was initially an affiliate of the League of American Bicyclists. In 2015, the organization was rebranded as Ride Illinois. Over the years, there has been a greater emphasis on education while maintaining a focus on infrastructure and legislation.
Programs and Events is a free, online resource that has been completed by over 110,000 Illinois residents since its launch in 2013. There are quizzes available for adult bicyclists, child bicyclists, motorists, and truck drivers. The quizzes are also available in Spanish. In addition, every other year Ride Illinois hosts the Illinois Bike Summit. The goal of the Summit is to share a wealth information amongst advocates and professionals that will result in improved conditions for cyclists in communities across Illinois.
Your Purchase, Sale, or Lease Helps Support Ride Illinois
At no cost to themselves, anyone who cares about better biking in Illinois can turn virtually any brokered real estate transaction into funding for Ride Illinois. For example, the purchase or sale of a $300,000 home can result in about $1,300 of free funding. Support Ride Illinois’ mission by using IIC’s free platform to make arrangements with an agent you already have in mind. Or use IIC to find and choose among real estate agents that are appropriate for the specifics of your residential or commercial real estate needs.
Location: Elk Grove Village, IL
Focus Area: Community Development
Budget: $250k - $500k