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Midtown Counseling Services

Midtown provides low and no cost needs based counseling to the underserved neighborhoods of central Holland. This therapy, provided to those who otherwise cannot afford professional counseling, is made possible through Midtown's pro bono counseling program called Esperanza. All philanthropic funds received by Midtown are used to fund Esperanza.

Location: Holland, Michigan

Focus Area: Health and Wellness

Budget: Less than $250k

Total IIC Funding:

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We respect your privacy and want to make sure you are totally at ease. By submitting, you are sharing your information with us only and we will not share it with or sell it to anyone else. We will contact you by email to get more information about your real estate needs. Then we will provide you with several agents suited to your needs and you may contact them -or not- as you choose. There’s no sales pitch or pressure. It's entirely your choice.

HOW YOUR REAL ESTATE TRANSACTION GENERATES $$$ FOR Midtown Counseling Services – Esperanza

As a tax exempt 501(c)3 organization, Midtown Counseling Services – Esperanza is eligible to receive at least 70% of the referral fee when you use Investing In Communities (IIC) to sign up with ANY real estate broker to handle your residential or commercial property transaction. Referral fees are a common expense paid by brokers only to other brokers for much desired referrals. As a licensed broker with a charitable mission, IIC is able to accept referral fees and pass most of those funds to your charity of choice - at no cost to you.
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